Account Setup

This section will help you to setup your account for the ZEISS CinCraft Portal. You will find a detailed description of all necessary steps including screenshots. Should you need any assistance setting up your account, please reach out to your ZEISS contact person or write us an email via [email protected]

The account will give you access to the following functions in our CinCraft Portal:

  • Purchase software licenses and hardware in our CinCraft Online Shop
  • Register and manage your device in the CinCraft Portal
  • Manage your licenses in the CinCraft Portal
  • Manage your orders and download invoices

Register on CinCraft


Visit the CinCraft homepage and select "Register"

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Choose “Email signup

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Fill-in Name, Email and Password and click on create account

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Please check your email (including SPAM folder) and confirm your CinCraft account.


Choose Germany and click on complete.

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Please note: If your country is not supported, you can still create an account. You can choose another supported location. When you want to upgrade your account later on in your profile, you don‘t need to fill out the VAT ID field. We can easily add the number afterwards.

Create A Company Account


Log in to your previously created account.


Go to the "Overview" page


Click on ‘Create a Company

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Next, choose Principal account.

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Enter the details and submit them by clicking on ‘Create Company’.


Please note: You don‘t have to fill out the VAT ID to upgrade your account. We can easily add the number afterwards. Just inform your sales contact or write [email protected] to add the VAT ID.



Creating A "Principal" Account

Next the details entered will be checked over a period of 3 days as this is a necessary verification process

  1. Whilst the checks are being carried out it will display the message ‘’Upgrade Pending’’
  2. Once the account is upgraded, you will be notified via email that the process is complete
  3. You will now see a Customer ID in the Overview page. ZEISS staff might ask you for your Customer ID for any kind of requests.
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