Recovery Mode
Recovery mode describes the state the system is in when it is trying to recover to a previous tracking state.
While in recovery mode the camera will drift and the overall quality of tracking data will not be usable.
Recovery mode is caused by:
- Loading a tracking config - The system will enter recovery while it tries to locate itself in the previously saved point cloud
- When tracking is lost - If the system has “Lost” tracking it will enter recovery mode and begin trying to relocate itself in the currently known point cloud
When the system is in recovery mode, this will be displayed in the dashboard
Depending on the type of tracking mode being used and the environment the camera is in will affect how quickly (if at all) the system recovers. Some general advice regarding recovery is provided here:
- Marker based recovery is far more consistent and reliable than natural tracking recovery
- The closer the camera is to a position it had previously been in, the quicker it will recover
- Natural tracking mode can recover successfully but because it is reliant on tracking points that are inherently unstable (changes in lighting, movement of objects in the world etc) it can sometimes take several minutes to recover, and if the environment has changed too much, it may not recover at all. Because of this, for users who require fast and reliable recovery over long periods of time we strongly recommend marker based tracking mode
When the system is in recovery mode the following options are available:
- Dead Reckon – This will restart the tracking and try and maintain the current world alignment by estimating the position of the camera. It will mean that the world alignment will drift and will need correcting, but for applications where the zero point changing is not an issue then this is a fast option
- Reset Tracking – This will clear the current world alignment and restart the tracking, this will mean that the Zero point of the world alignment will return to the camera position and the alignment tools will need to be used to realign it.
- Wait for automatic recovery - The system will constantly try and recover itself, if the reason for the loss of tracking is temporary (someone standing in front of the CamBar for instance), then often it is worth waiting for the temporary issue to clear to allow the automatic recovery to happen
Entering recovery when in reflective marker mode should be very rare when the system is correctly setup. This typically only occurs when:
- The CamBar or IR LED’s are covered
- The IR LED strength is turned too low or off entirely
- The CamBar is facing an area where the Reflective markers have not been placed or learnt
When in recovery mode, the only option available is “Reset Tracking”. This will completely restart the tracking and remove the learned markers and world alignment. When selecting Reset Tracking the user has to confirm that this is their desired action as it will require the repeating of the “learn marker” and “World alignment” phases.
In Marker mode, it is strongly recommended to move the system back to a known area and check the CamBar settings before resetting the tracking.