Adding A Point Cloud


UEConnect 2.0 adds the ability to fetch the tracking pointcloud from any network connected CinCraft Origin. The pointcloud is handled using the LIDAR point cloud asset available in Unreal Engine.

The point cloud is managed by the “Scenario Point Cloud” panel, which is shown below

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The panel can be accessed from the “Windows > Virtual Production” menu of the editor, and can be docked anywhere in the editor interface

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Using the Scenario Point Cloud Panel

The panel has 3 settings available:

Camera Actor – The cinecamera that is receiving the live link tracking data from Scenario

Point Cloud Asset – The point cloud asset in the editor level or content directory that should be used. If this is left blank, the user will be asked to make a new pointcloud asset which will be automatically added to the level

Server Address – The IP address of the CinCraft Origin that you wish to receive point cloud information from

Adding a new pointcloud


Select the CineCamera in the scene is receiving tracking data from Scenario

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Enter the IP address of the CinCraft Origin, this can be found in the CinCraft Scenario Network settings if not already known

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Press “Import”

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An editor popup will appear, this will create a point cloud asset in the project, provide a name for the point cloud and choose a location in the content browser that you wish to save it


The point cloud asset will be created in the current editor level. Additionally, the point cloud actor and cinecamera actor will be parented to a “CameraPointCloudBundle” actor in the level. This ensures that the point cloud is in the correct relation to the camera

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If wishing to offset the position of the pointcloud/camera in the unreal level, the CameraPointCloudBundle actor should be used, applying transform offsets individually to the camera or point cloud will cause them to lose their correct real world relationship

Updating a Point Cloud

The Unreal point cloud asset only updates the point information upon request. To update an existing point cloud asset that has already been added to the project follow the below steps:


In the Scenario Point Cloud Panel, make sure the point cloud asset you wish to update has been selected

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Enter the correct IP address of the CinCraft Origin in the “Server Address” field


Press “Update”


The point cloud asset that was selected will update to reflect the latest point cloud data available in the currently running CinCraft Scenario tracking configuration