Adding Tracking Data To A Camera
Once Live link data has been successfully added to a project it can be easily added to a CineCamera actor inside the Unreal level
Select a CineCamera actor from the level outliner, and from the details panel add a “Live Link Controller” from the components menu
Select the newly added controller from within the camera actor and choose the Camera subject from the “Subject Representation” dropdown menu.
The CineCamera in the level will now be receiving tracking data from the connected CinCraft Scenario system
Depending on the usage of the system, it may be necessary to apply lens distortion information to the tracked CineCamera.
To do this, after adding a Live Link Controller as described in the previous section, additionally add a “Lens” component to the CineCamera
Select the newly added Lens component within the CineCamera actor and ensure the following settings are enabled in the “Distortion” section:
Distortion source: Live Link Lens Subject
Apply Distortion: Enabled
The CineCamera should now render with lens distortion applied that matches the tracked camera from CinCraft Scenario
Depening on your workflow, it may be necessary to enable distortion in other areas, such as CG layers in Composure. This is outside the scope of this documentation